Crushing The Enemy - With a Free, Level 6 Hangar
No matter what is flying around, put yourself in position for the win!
Due to pervasive cheating and the failure of meaningful countermeasures, I have decided to provide a learning opportunity for the dozen or more readers of this blog. The lesson is simple: free, level 6 gear is deadly! Spectre pilots, watch out for this:

And this:

With the predictable result:

... against pilots with level 12 gear and thousands of wins.

Always upgrade?
The moment we begin playing War Robots, we are admonished to ALWAYS have an upgrade running. Always, always, always. In keeping with this simpleminded and servile orthodoxy, we dutifully set our alarms. We waste time at work. We open up our little fetish game during quality time like vacations with the family. And to what end? Achieving level 12 across 20-odd items was a monumental grind, and now it has more than doubled with the MK2 system. It can take over two years to level a hangar completely even if you don't acquire a single new item!
In video games, especially the mobile variety, the acronym F2P means "free to play." Free games make money selling commercials and in-app purchases. Those games that provide immense competitive advantage to big spenders are referred to as P2W, or "pay to win." War Robots is thus both "free to play" and "pay to win."
War Robots University proposes embracing only one side of this coin - by playing for free. If you wish to make a political/boycott statement directed at Pixonic, that's fine ... our recommendation has more to do with staying sane and enjoying the game. Because extreme inequality makes the game inherently unfair by design, unlike Fortnite and PUBG, we have decided to provide some guidance for all players who wish to enjoy the game. You should never feel stressed by the need to compete with those who spend thousands of dollars on the newest overpowered content.
Getting out of the "rat race"
The U's major F2P recommendation is very simple - stop leveling items. In other words, DO play for free but DON'T pay to win. I chose level 6 for playing with friends in "sixpack" competition - levels are limited to six and component items are banned. Level six is very easy to attain and it is the highest level for stock robots in the store (Griffin, Leo, Natasha, Fury). Playing only occasionally, I reached pilot level 25 and item level 6 in about 175 wins. Using bronze/silver chest spins and event tasks, I acquired a tremendous amount of free gear - a Butch, Galahad, two Gareths, Stalker, Raijin, Fujin, Carnage, three Orkans, and many silver weapons and robots.

The game interface says, "Increase your rating to get promoted to a higher league." This is totally unnecessary and will place you in battles with people who have equipment that is often over 100% stronger. Think about that - double the damage, double the health, double the speed. Add in special abilities like stealth jumps and damaging whole teams with one shot. So, using Griffins and the occasional Gareth or sniper build (I like the Butch with Trebs or a Russian Death Button Griffin - Tulumbas and Pins), I decided to embark on the aforementioned educational mission. It should be pointed out that this pilot is not cheating or tanking - just using higher level equipment. That's no crime.

Yup. Using gear that was half as strong, we doubled Zakkkkkkkz' damage output and tripped the same number of beacons. One tell-tale stat: he sat on his beacons; I got off mine and looked for enemies to attack.
I've since renamed the "Prof. Longhair" account to encourage curious teammates and opponents to take a look at the hangar that gives them hell. Please allow me to introduce "Level6,F2P>you." In case you don't speak maths, the sign ">" is an inequality and means that the left side of the equation is "greater than" the right. Thus, the name translates roughly to "I'm using free, level 6 gear and I'm still better than you." This may be a little obnoxious, and I probably won't stay with the theme forever ... but for now, here's the most common iteration of my F2P/level 6 hangar:
Other capabilities:
Last but not least, here's an example video of a KOTH win on Dead City. If we should meet as opponents, think of it as a "learning opportunity." You're welcome.
Dr. Yat
PS: Lessons available in Skirmish mode, too.

Faculty Notes
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Until the introduction of the Greek bots, Pixonic provided component items to War Robots University's professors/pilots for review. The content of War Robots U is created and edited by its authors exclusively. For an explanation of the relationship between Pixonic and the U, read this post!
The U is not just a blog ... we are also iOS clans #48669, #141459, and #139479. We are always looking for champion-league pilots, and welcome skilled communicators from around the world.
The U is not just a blog ... we are also iOS clans #48669, #141459, and #139479. We are always looking for champion-league pilots, and welcome skilled communicators from around the world.
Go and get them!
ReplyDeleteWhat is one of the best setups for a Rogotka?
ReplyDeleteProfessor Rat likes tulumbas, I like Orkans. It turns out that Rogatka, like Hover, is a pretty good reflection of your preferences on a Griffin. If you like plasma on a Griff, you will like it on Rog. Remember not to engage enemies in a mano a mano fistfight; you want them off balance and by surprise. It's an ambush machine, great for popping up from behind a wall and chipping away at their health.
DeleteIt depends on your play style. Close range go with Orkans or Tarans, and if you have them Storms. Longer range, go with one of the new energy weapons, again if you have them. If not try out Molot T or Tulumbas. As the Professor said, no one on one combat, unless your bot is at full and the enemy is low on health. You get roasted otherwise.
DeleteI was going to run Tarans, though I have a Orkan Gust Griffin, just becuase they were cheaper.
DeleteThanks for the input
*JimBomb* here. This post inspired me to work on another level 6 account. I'm currently at silver league with 3 Griff's and a Lance (which I won spinning chests), all of which at level 6 except the Lance, which is 5 with similar gear. With the focus off of upgrading, worrying about components and moving up in leagues it's been instead on playing and having fun. Thanks for this. I'm missing some time squadding and playing with theU but I'm having a lot of fun. This might become my main account.
ReplyDeleteMine has been super fun as well! I love to play against the most dangerous hangars, and try to beat them, but level 6 is a new challenge. Look for a clan - a new chapter of the U -devoted to it soon!
DeleteI mean it’s easy to cherry pick single wins as examples. Not to say that you aren’t doing well, but I think you emphasized the wrong point in regards to not levelling. You played it as even lv6 can beat lv 12 players and you don’t need to level because skill means more than weapon damage. That’s somewhat untrue; levelling will make you able to do more damage, get more kills etc, at least temporarily.
ReplyDeleteNo matter what your level is, you will either win or lose more until you settle at a point where you win 50% of your games and do average on your team. Where your personal skill can no longer compensate for the level of opponents.
The exception to this is getting to the endzone, lv12 mk2, where you can consistently do well and can’t physically face stronger opponents.
But that end goal is unreachable now, at least for most players, so what is the point of levelling at all. No matter what level you decide to stay at, you will find that balance point.
So instead of levelling, focus on getting new gear and varied hangars. Or you can intentionally tank to hold yourself in a lower league where you have similiar level weapons to other playeds