Murder Machine, part II
Fellow Pilots,
First things first: at 13:50 GMT on February 5, 2019, War Robots was down worldwide. No information was posted on Reddit or the War Robots Facebook page before the game came back around thirty minutes later. Will update if anything becomes available in terms of news.
The Lunar New Year event is on. Anecdotally, the prizes in the Hongbao lottery appear to be good (large component batches of the new "dragon" robots) and Shenzhen at night looks amazing. The current Skirmish allows pilots to try the new robots plus Ares and Bulwark.
If you haven't seen Professor Duke Dutch's work by now, you should! Check out his YouTube channel; in today's installment, he highlights one of my favorite bots, the Pursuer/Murder Machine.
Some would argue that the introduction of the Quantum Radar active module is a "nerf" to stealth bots, especially the Pursuer. This is true. But it's not complete. When Pixonic introduced this feature, they gave every pilot 20K "power cells." Those are long gone for people who use them regularly. Further, there's still a long cooldown (20 seconds) that can be exploited. Smart Pursuer pilots can dodge many weapons, and the little killer is extremely tough - 162K health at MK2/12, no modules. Even though it can now be targeted in "hunt" mode, a Pursuer can still kill almost anything in a duel.
If you like running beacons, Pursuer is a fast, dogged attacker/defender. Nine is probably a personal best for me!

Pursuer is king of the five-cap!

Happy hunting!
Doc Yat and the U crew
Faculty Notes
Until the introduction of the Greek bots, Pixonic provided component items to War Robots University's professors/pilots for review. The content of War Robots U is created and edited by its author exclusively. For an explanation of the relationship between Pixonic and the U, read this post!
First things first: at 13:50 GMT on February 5, 2019, War Robots was down worldwide. No information was posted on Reddit or the War Robots Facebook page before the game came back around thirty minutes later. Will update if anything becomes available in terms of news.
The Lunar New Year event is on. Anecdotally, the prizes in the Hongbao lottery appear to be good (large component batches of the new "dragon" robots) and Shenzhen at night looks amazing. The current Skirmish allows pilots to try the new robots plus Ares and Bulwark.
If you haven't seen Professor Duke Dutch's work by now, you should! Check out his YouTube channel; in today's installment, he highlights one of my favorite bots, the Pursuer/Murder Machine.
Some would argue that the introduction of the Quantum Radar active module is a "nerf" to stealth bots, especially the Pursuer. This is true. But it's not complete. When Pixonic introduced this feature, they gave every pilot 20K "power cells." Those are long gone for people who use them regularly. Further, there's still a long cooldown (20 seconds) that can be exploited. Smart Pursuer pilots can dodge many weapons, and the little killer is extremely tough - 162K health at MK2/12, no modules. Even though it can now be targeted in "hunt" mode, a Pursuer can still kill almost anything in a duel.
If you like running beacons, Pursuer is a fast, dogged attacker/defender. Nine is probably a personal best for me!

Pursuer is king of the five-cap!

Happy hunting!
Doc Yat and the U crew
Good stuff mentioned here! I would also mention that for Pursuers the main bot to watch out for is the Blitz, which has no problem suppressing, hitting, and ultimately killing a stealthed Pursuer. I run a Blitz in my lineup just to counter the pesky little buggers, because as you said, the Pursuer wins in almost every single 1v1 matchup. In my opinion all pilots should run one or the other (or perhaps a mender) in their lineup.
ReplyDeleteYes! I've been hurt by the Blitz for sure; it's just still very uncommon. The Invader is the suppression bot that everyone is running ATM. That's not to take away from Blitz - it can be a real pain.
DeleteHi guys, thanks for this post and video, very helpful. I just wanted to ask Duke why don’t you mix gusts with halos? Because it often happens that the reds are just sneaking around the corner when the pursuer is approaching, so lockdown really helps sometimes. And one more thing: I’ve switched to using pursuer as the last bot to hunt lone reds or grab remote beacons which sometimes turns out to be quite effective. You did not cover this style in your video, so do you think it is not the best role for this silent murderer?
Right on - Duke and I agree that lockdown weapons are great for Pursuer; we're just limited in how many we have!