The Ares Train
Fellow Pilots,
First of all, it's worth noting that the language used on this blog might come across as unfair and overly negative toward players who spend money on War Robots. Words like "whales" and "seal clubbing" and "curb stomping" really do bother some people, but that's not my intent. I have no problem with people who use this game as an outlet for fun - and that includes spending their entertainment budget on mobile games. Do I think the game is messed up? Yes. Do I think players should use any available advantages? Yes. If you want to buy stuff in War Robots, and use it in the game, go nuts! If you want a game that doesn't sell competitive advantage, I recommend Fortnite or PUBG. Sorry Kitty!
Here's another video from Professor Duke Dutch. The "Ares Train," in case you haven't seen one first hand, is three or more Ares in a tight formation. They alternate shields to remain invulnerable for an indefinite period. It's a "guilty pleasure" in the words of a Mass Exodus pilot, but don't let that deter you from utilizing this tactic if you can. Guilt isn't stopping clans like NEXT and LOST from curb stomping you!
Ares' shield lasts 8 seconds and cools down for 16 (readers noted this can get even quicker if in a squad running cooldown boosters). Therefore, three robots can cover each other in 24 second cycles. The purple sphere isn't very big, so stay tight. The most effective counter comes from pilots attacking with Mercury, Invader, or Pursuer; this causes the formation to break up as the Ares pilots scatter in a futile effort to save themselves.
Here's the tutorial:
And here's the future. It's scary, so don't watch if you don't want to see what the whale clans have in store for you:
I hope you are ok after watching that ... please understand that the U does not love the "pay to win" model embraced by Pixonic. It would be GREAT if they broke the cycle of overpowered, overpriced robots, but we can't really write about the game that should be. We can only write about the game that is.
Anomalous Battle Reports
So, I realize randoms don't like playing against squads, especially when it's a well known group of gangsters. But it's kind of uncool to leave me completely alone.

I've won many battles with five vs six, and even this documented four vs. six, but ONE VS SIX IS IMPOSSIBLE. Even for me.
Anyway, clan MOFO doesn't like to play TB. I get it. It's hard. I like playing against TB, but I like challenges. What DOES clan MOFO like? Well, they like beating up on randoms. That didn't work out well either, because at least one of those randoms was pissed off that those MOFOs failed to drop in the previous battle.
You can't get away from me ... and karma's a bitch, ain't it?
First of all, it's worth noting that the language used on this blog might come across as unfair and overly negative toward players who spend money on War Robots. Words like "whales" and "seal clubbing" and "curb stomping" really do bother some people, but that's not my intent. I have no problem with people who use this game as an outlet for fun - and that includes spending their entertainment budget on mobile games. Do I think the game is messed up? Yes. Do I think players should use any available advantages? Yes. If you want to buy stuff in War Robots, and use it in the game, go nuts! If you want a game that doesn't sell competitive advantage, I recommend Fortnite or PUBG. Sorry Kitty!
Here's another video from Professor Duke Dutch. The "Ares Train," in case you haven't seen one first hand, is three or more Ares in a tight formation. They alternate shields to remain invulnerable for an indefinite period. It's a "guilty pleasure" in the words of a Mass Exodus pilot, but don't let that deter you from utilizing this tactic if you can. Guilt isn't stopping clans like NEXT and LOST from curb stomping you!
When I see a random Ares, I get on his shoulder and deploy my shield exactly four seconds after he starts firing the built-in weapons.
Ares' shield lasts 8 seconds and cools down for 16 (readers noted this can get even quicker if in a squad running cooldown boosters). Therefore, three robots can cover each other in 24 second cycles. The purple sphere isn't very big, so stay tight. The most effective counter comes from pilots attacking with Mercury, Invader, or Pursuer; this causes the formation to break up as the Ares pilots scatter in a futile effort to save themselves.
Here's the tutorial:
And here's the future. It's scary, so don't watch if you don't want to see what the whale clans have in store for you:
I hope you are ok after watching that ... please understand that the U does not love the "pay to win" model embraced by Pixonic. It would be GREAT if they broke the cycle of overpowered, overpriced robots, but we can't really write about the game that should be. We can only write about the game that is.
So, I realize randoms don't like playing against squads, especially when it's a well known group of gangsters. But it's kind of uncool to leave me completely alone.

I've won many battles with five vs six, and even this documented four vs. six, but ONE VS SIX IS IMPOSSIBLE. Even for me.
You can't get away from me ... and karma's a bitch, ain't it?
Your humble servant,
Dr. Yat
Faculty NotesUntil the introduction of the Greek bots, Pixonic provided component items to War Robots University's professors/pilots for review. The content of War Robots U is created and edited by its author exclusively. For an explanation of the relationship between Pixonic and the U, read this post!
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excellent and informative article , recently i have run into a new type of tanker , a high level tanker that uses level one bots to play one shot kills against high level players using max bots ,alternatively those that commit suicide by jumping down ravines . they spoil the game and put teams ata disadvantage , thanks for your article