Good Gunnery: Defilade and Enfilade
Fellow Commanders,
A U squad was fighting on Carrier today, and for the first time I realized that the lower deck of the ship serves the exact same purpose as a WWI-era trench. It makes the angle nearly impossible for those who would shoot you. Professional soldiers, oddly, use alien sounding French words sometimes ... and being on the low surface, protected by the upper deck from line-of-sight projectiles is what they call being "in defilade."

Regardless of whether you are in a flying gunboat like Ao Jun or a running tank like the Phantom, one good way to attack your enemy is by getting them in enfilade. It is, of course, the opposite of defilade.
The side beacon to your left and over the ramp on the Moon map provides you the opportunity to fire at the whole enemy team as it leaves spawn and heads to the center beacon. I'm badly damaged and just hoping to be alive long enough to flip the beacon in this image, but you can understand why the position is so valuable. Steelcrusher killed me with a single shot, though.
Same robot, different weapons and map. I'm trying to get to the left corner beacon and shoot down the corridor created by the cover around center. As you can see, that's where my enemies are lined up.
This is the corner. I'm jumping an enemy beacon and lining up the people that I'm about to smite. They are "in enfilade," which isn't good for their survival. Because they are facing center, the technical people call this "flanking enfilade." If they were in a line and facing me, as they would down any of the long corridors on the same map, that's "frontal enfilade."
I'll try to get some good example video and add it here. For now, let's talk about a couple matches we had yesterday. We ran into Dark Side on the Moon map, and we were losing at first as you can see from the picture. We just edged them out in the final minute with help from randomly selected Commander Amid Azeri Seid from Hood. Well done, brother, and thank you for not quitting when you saw a full squad on the other side. Everyone on the red team put up damage in the neighborhood of 2M, so you know this was a slugfest.
We pick up clan mate Mudge, and run into Dark Side again. It's a rougher go for them this time, but they still fight gamely and right to the end.
This is a shame. As I pointed out, the first matches were close, but they didn't go the way Side hoped. I hate losing too, but we don't quit at the U - even when we see clans we almost never beat. If you want to get better at the game, you have to fight the hard fights.
I don't think I've ever beaten a full squad of Ci4. I can recall taking clan NOOB out only once. VOX and CHN pretty much always wins against us, etc. But we fight them too. The ones that seem impossible ARE unfair and they DO suck but they are NOT impossible. They are very improbable, and that difference is why we fight. You probably know this already, but we don't have hangar or activity requirements beyond a player getting into Champ league. We want people who communicate, and people who learn. Learning is free, anyone can do it, and there is no "max level" for what you know. So regardless of the P2W elements in the game (cf: yesterday's post about platinum and Titans), high spenders can't buy know-how. They can't buy the will to compete. They CAN buy Leeches and power cells, though, so I do understand why people don't want to play against them game in and game out.
Dark Side, you have an open invitation to enroll your pilots at the U. I'll bring all of you onto our Discord server, you can set up a couple channels any way you want, and you can play with us any time you like. Let's figure out how to tie our knots, launch our boats, and sling our harpoons among the biggest whales.
Finally, it's time for new year's resolutions! As mentioned in previous posts, I'm not spending money on War Robots. In 2020, I'm also hoarding in-game currencies and resources. I plan to keep components, silver, gold, platinum, power cells. Everything. Pixonic has players over a barrel when they get impatient. They grind, spend, gamble ... and that's what I'm seeking to avoid. I start the journey with a great hangar - obviously no Leeches and Phantoms yet. I'll fall even further behind the "meta," but maybe I'll have the necessary resources in advance next time I decide to make a change!

I remain your most devoted and deranged Captain Ahab,
Faculty Notes
A U squad was fighting on Carrier today, and for the first time I realized that the lower deck of the ship serves the exact same purpose as a WWI-era trench. It makes the angle nearly impossible for those who would shoot you. Professional soldiers, oddly, use alien sounding French words sometimes ... and being on the low surface, protected by the upper deck from line-of-sight projectiles is what they call being "in defilade."

Regardless of whether you are in a flying gunboat like Ao Jun or a running tank like the Phantom, one good way to attack your enemy is by getting them in enfilade. It is, of course, the opposite of defilade.
The side beacon to your left and over the ramp on the Moon map provides you the opportunity to fire at the whole enemy team as it leaves spawn and heads to the center beacon. I'm badly damaged and just hoping to be alive long enough to flip the beacon in this image, but you can understand why the position is so valuable. Steelcrusher killed me with a single shot, though.
Same robot, different weapons and map. I'm trying to get to the left corner beacon and shoot down the corridor created by the cover around center. As you can see, that's where my enemies are lined up.
This is the corner. I'm jumping an enemy beacon and lining up the people that I'm about to smite. They are "in enfilade," which isn't good for their survival. Because they are facing center, the technical people call this "flanking enfilade." If they were in a line and facing me, as they would down any of the long corridors on the same map, that's "frontal enfilade."
I'll try to get some good example video and add it here. For now, let's talk about a couple matches we had yesterday. We ran into Dark Side on the Moon map, and we were losing at first as you can see from the picture. We just edged them out in the final minute with help from randomly selected Commander Amid Azeri Seid from Hood. Well done, brother, and thank you for not quitting when you saw a full squad on the other side. Everyone on the red team put up damage in the neighborhood of 2M, so you know this was a slugfest.
We pick up clan mate Mudge, and run into Dark Side again. It's a rougher go for them this time, but they still fight gamely and right to the end.
Unfortunately, we then see some robot ditching and failures to spawn. Dark Side doesn't have the will to compete any more, and we quickly put them in a chokehold.
This is a shame. As I pointed out, the first matches were close, but they didn't go the way Side hoped. I hate losing too, but we don't quit at the U - even when we see clans we almost never beat. If you want to get better at the game, you have to fight the hard fights.
I don't think I've ever beaten a full squad of Ci4. I can recall taking clan NOOB out only once. VOX and CHN pretty much always wins against us, etc. But we fight them too. The ones that seem impossible ARE unfair and they DO suck but they are NOT impossible. They are very improbable, and that difference is why we fight. You probably know this already, but we don't have hangar or activity requirements beyond a player getting into Champ league. We want people who communicate, and people who learn. Learning is free, anyone can do it, and there is no "max level" for what you know. So regardless of the P2W elements in the game (cf: yesterday's post about platinum and Titans), high spenders can't buy know-how. They can't buy the will to compete. They CAN buy Leeches and power cells, though, so I do understand why people don't want to play against them game in and game out.
Dark Side, you have an open invitation to enroll your pilots at the U. I'll bring all of you onto our Discord server, you can set up a couple channels any way you want, and you can play with us any time you like. Let's figure out how to tie our knots, launch our boats, and sling our harpoons among the biggest whales.
Finally, it's time for new year's resolutions! As mentioned in previous posts, I'm not spending money on War Robots. In 2020, I'm also hoarding in-game currencies and resources. I plan to keep components, silver, gold, platinum, power cells. Everything. Pixonic has players over a barrel when they get impatient. They grind, spend, gamble ... and that's what I'm seeking to avoid. I start the journey with a great hangar - obviously no Leeches and Phantoms yet. I'll fall even further behind the "meta," but maybe I'll have the necessary resources in advance next time I decide to make a change!

I remain your most devoted and deranged Captain Ahab,
Faculty NotesIf you read the U's blog, hit the subscribe button here - top right - and at our YouTube channel! We do not (and can not) spam or bother you. You get an email notification when we post new content.
Until the introduction of the Greek bots, Pixonic provided component items to War Robots University's professors/pilots for review. The content of War Robots U is created and edited by its author exclusively. For an explanation of the relationship between Pixonic and the U, read this post!
The U is not just a blog ... we are also iOS clans #48669 and #139479. We are always looking for commanders, and welcome skilled communicators from around the world.
The U is not just a blog ... we are also iOS clans #48669 and #139479. We are always looking for commanders, and welcome skilled communicators from around the world.
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