Fellow Pilots,
I planned to get out of the office and enjoy the holiday, but the tankers are everywhere. Thought I'd warn you before I signed off.
So here's the warning: there are tankers, squads of tankers, and CLANS of tankers. And these tankers are taking themselves all the way down to private league in some instances, where it will be Mark 2 Dash bot vs. Destrier.
I presume this is for the Christmas event - easy kills, wins, and beacons. Pixonic, if you are listening, the events don't work any more. Sure, lots of people are playing, but enough of them are playing SO weird that they are ruining the experience for the rest of us.
Without further ado:
Easy win for me, but this group is going to crush the newbies in Gold and below. |
Remember this one - we will see it again having tanked four hundred points down overnight. |
Hukhong is a red, but in the next battle, he's a blue ... |
Where we win in spite of him tanking! |
You don't get to Master 1 running level 1 robots. |
Marmati is hitting two beacons and then ejecting, causing losses for his team. |
Again. Please go play a different game. |
Remember me? I'm still tanking down with my full squad, which is much faster than doing it alone. |
I'm going to F@%# some Cossacks and Destriers UP with this ... |
All the way down to recruit league. Maybe shooting for a zero rating? Will new players even be able to identify what killed them? |
DIOR ejecting a full group. Playing in Champ league can be tough, so this one is cutting and running. |
Please play the game right - don't tank. It drives players away from the game, and you need other people for this one. It doesn't have a "story mode," it is just a contest to see who can knock the other one out of their robots.
Happy Holidays,
Professor W. Yat
Faculty Notes
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The U is not just a blog ... we are also iOS clans #48669, #141459, and #139479. We are always looking for champion-league pilots, and welcome skilled communicators from around the world.
Happy Holiday Professor W. Yat,
ReplyDeleteI would like to thank you for your articles. I have found them to always be precisely on point and very informative. I am always sharing them among my Discord friends and they always spark some interesting debates, especially anything to do with tanking. Of course the most popular justification is that players are doing it because others are doing it and that is what they need to do in order to be able to have a competitive hangar, which lends to a trickle down effect, usually beginning at the highest levels. Then of course there are many who seem to be be in disbelief that tanking is still happening despite the risk of ending up in the LPQ. I stand by my recent comment that I can not fully hold players responsible for their play-style of tanking as it is currently allowed by the game developers, however, I do feel in my opinion that these players need to have some form of 'dishonorable' mark on their player I.D. that they may display for all to see. I am confident that in future updates this issue will be resolved and until then I will continue to defend my position on this matter. Perhaps even begin my own 'wall of shame'.
Thank You,
Dominic M