The best player in the game?
The University's winter break will be next week, December 25 - January 1. I'll drop one more post tomorrow and hope to return to the office on January 2, 2018.
You're welcome.
It is my normal academic and intellectual position to be quite skeptical of statistics. Especially in our game. People set up bogus matches against friends to post ridiculous max damage scores. Seal clubbers have long win streaks against hopelessly overmatched newbies running low-level gear.
Still, when I ran across CAINE in a solo match (on my team, thankfully), I was initially impressed by the gaudy 98% win rate. After all, I had just fought a battle with him and saw some solid tactical decisions. I also saw the HeyChee with maxed out Tarans lay waste to everything in its way. I also knew that he hadn't arrived with a team of five other NOOBZ in a death squad for anyone not utilizing similar gear.
If CAINE never loses, he must be the best player in the game, right? I mean - 49 out of the last 50? What are the odds? You don't have to be a mathematician for this. If Caine won 49/50, it means he had a winning streak between 25 and 49 games long, because his single loss had to happen somewhere in a string of 50 matches. If it were the 25th game (right in the middle), he'd have a 24 game win streak, a loss, and then a 25 game win streak. If it were the first or last battle, the streak would be 49.
Evenly matched battles would be like a coin toss - each team would have a 50/50 chance. So the odds of winning two in a row would be 1/2 x 1/2, or 1/4 (25%). It's 1/2 to the exponent n (sorry, I can't find superscript on blogger), with n representing the number of wins in the streak. Two to the 25th power is "only" 33,554,432. Two to the 49th power is 562,949,953,421,312.
You got a little sleepy there, but the odds of CAINE winning 25 even battles in a row are one in 33 million. The odds of winning 49 in a row are one in 562 trillion. CAINE's actual longest win streak is 76, but you get the point. The battles aren't fair at all.
I'm not here to take away from CAINE, to deride him, or belittle the accomplishment. He's not a tanker. He is out there playing the game in solo matches, during the Christmas event, with the tools that are available to everyone. They cost quite a bit (cf. "Whales and Whaling"), but anyone can use them. CAINE is quite good at War Robots, but I think the Reverend of Death is even better. Who is the Reverend of Death, you ask?
For my money, the Reverend is one of the best players in the game. He's a member of Aurora Tormentum, one of the Aurora Nova clans, so I get to squad with him from time to time. The Reverend took TWO accounts to Champion level (I guess he likes a challenge) with level 10 robots and weapons. We had a sit-down for academic purposes, and here it is!
I know you have dozens of robots and weapons in your main account. What's you favourite hangar(s)?
When I really want to kick some red robot butt, this is my go-to hangar. With all the robots and weapons at only level 10, this hangar is capable of getting you to Champion level and keeping you there, able to hold its own and score well even against and among maxed hangars:
When I really want to kick some red robot butt, this is my go-to hangar. With all the robots and weapons at only level 10, this hangar is capable of getting you to Champion level and keeping you there, able to hold its own and score well even against and among maxed hangars:

But I find the real fun these days is playing Six Pack custom games (no upgrades beyond level 6) with my Aurora clan mates. This is the Six Pack hangar I have found to be most effective for me:

Who are you? Where does the Rev hang his frock and collar?
I am Canadian. Having lived briefly in Quebec and in B.C. when I was very young, Ontario is where I have spent almost five decades now, having lived in various Ontario towns over the years, always within a few hours of Toronto. I am married without children, and we have two adorable cats. When we do briefly but inevitably find ourselves without animals, as unfortunately happens from time to time, the house feels so empty! I have spent my career in the software development domain.
Why do you use the religious imagery in avatar and your in-game names?
Just for the delicious irony of it, I got legally ordained as a minister with the title of Reverend. I am also fascinated by and spend time on the philosophical consideration of death and humanity’s take on it, approach to it, fear of it, etc.
So considering this game is about killing robots, the name “ReverendOfDeath” just seemed a natural fit. Sticking with it, the name “MinisterOfMayhem” seemed similarly appropriate for my second account.
For my Discord avatar I wanted to combine the two themes, robots and religion, and came across the now famous kneeling droid ...

Why do you like video games?
I like puzzles and mind games, and I find video games that involve puzzles to be particularly enjoyable. Games where what happens is solely random aren’t very interesting, but games that require strategy and problem solving are. The need to “figure out” and solve a level in a game in order to get past it, that kind of challenge keeps me engaged.
War Robots is great for that, because the many combinations of robots, weapons and maps available, combined with the often unpredictable nature of your colleagues and enemies, makes every battle a unique puzzle to solve, a unique challenge to overcome, a unique solution to try to identify and execute.
What religion is the Reverend? And in his opinion, what is the world’s nuttiest religion?
I tend to describe myself using a lot of “” words: atheist, antinatalist, naturalist, nihilist, pessimist ... realist. I find any formalized belief system (religious or otherwise) to be a bit “nutty,” to use your word. And yes, I do indeed recognize some of my “...ists” could actually be seen to be belief systems, but I apply them to myself in a descriptive, not prescriptive, manner. A personal belief system based on facts, evidence, reasoning, logic, research and objective introspection ... now that is something I can get behind.
Which songs are performed when the Reverend preaches?
Testify, by Meat Loaf, and Down to the River to Pray, by Alison Krauss. But the Rev's enemies probably hear Sabbath Bloody Sabbath!
Are Canadians nicer than their neighbors to the south?
Hmmm. I don’t actually have any real answer for this. I think the knee-jerk reaction to a question like this would be to answer with something patriotic, and/or to apply a stereotype. But patriotism is one of the aforementioned formalized belief systems that I don’t subscribe to, nor do I subscribe to the application of generalized stereotypes. I don’t really think of Canada as being more “anything” than the US.
Of course the Reverend is a teetotaler, but what does the Minister of Mayhem drink?
His go-to drink is called a “Good Times," from a William Shatner sci-fi novel in which two characters were reminiscing about their old camping days and what they would drink on those trips. It is one ounce each of Jack Daniels, Kahlua and Amaretto in a tall glass of ice, topped up with milk.
What makes the Reverend angry?
What I find most annoying is when experienced players do not play for the win for their team. I enjoy most the games where everyone, on both teams, is playing hard for the win. Tankers who quit or sit idle or bring under-powered gear for their league level, or players who focus only on their own damage and stats and the sole pursuit of silver or gold or event keys or league points -- in my mind those players ruin the game experience for everyone else.
In what type of shoe would one walk in the Reverend's footsteps?
Well, first and foremost, the Reverend preaches against tanking. So don't tank. But he wears hiking boots ... and, if there’s snow on the ground, with snowshoes strapped to them.
Faculty Notes
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Until the introduction of the Greek bots, Pixonic provided component items to War Robots University's professors/pilots for review. The content of War Robots U is created and edited by its authors exclusively. For an explanation of the relationship between Pixonic and the U, read this post!
The U is not just a blog ... we are also iOS clans #48669, #141459, and #139479. We are always looking for champion-league pilots, and welcome skilled communicators from around the world.
The U is not just a blog ... we are also iOS clans #48669, #141459, and #139479. We are always looking for champion-league pilots, and welcome skilled communicators from around the world.
Thanks for the kind words and the interview, Dr. Where y’at. I do feel a bit disingenuous, though, as my own stats will forever bear the scar of an unfortunate past. After getting mugged by Mag Gep pilots once too often back in the day, I got myself my own Mag Gep and started to fight back. One wasn’t enough, though, so I got a second Mag Gep ... then I needed splash for the Stalkers, and got a Pinata Gep ... then I needed to be able to shoot from cover, and got an Aphid Gep ... and finally, to counter those really, really good Mag Gep pilots I needed range, and got a Pin Gep. After becoming a pretty decent Gep pilot, I got recruited into a clan by Sargus Bane, a notorious (I found out later) seal clubber. And, well, it was all downhill from there, as I got better and better, whether in squad or solo, with my all-Gep hangar. The sense of invincibility was intoxicating, and before guilt and boredom eventually combined to direct my interests to other things, I had under my belt a 17-kill game and a 205 game win streak. Despite my initially innocent, unintentional and organic evolution into a seal clubber, it is not a period I am proud of, and I will forever bear the scars of that time with contrition and regret.
ReplyDeleteThese guys are good, no doubt. But the best pilot in the game is the King of the Gareths, Blastronaut.