Take Down That Ao Ming!
Fellow Commanders,
Looking at this blog these days is a little sad and nostalgic. I haven't posted since March, when we still had freedom of movement. The world was hearing about this dangerous "COVID-19," but only the Chinese and Italians seemed to be bearing the brunt. What a difference a couple months makes! Anyway, our war robots walk on, and the game continues to evolve. The price of pilots and skills went WAY up; we've seen the introduction of the first new Titan and modules. So the U has been in the lab and in the library, and hopefully we can give you some good advice.
Looking at this blog these days is a little sad and nostalgic. I haven't posted since March, when we still had freedom of movement. The world was hearing about this dangerous "COVID-19," but only the Chinese and Italians seemed to be bearing the brunt. What a difference a couple months makes! Anyway, our war robots walk on, and the game continues to evolve. The price of pilots and skills went WAY up; we've seen the introduction of the first new Titan and modules. So the U has been in the lab and in the library, and hopefully we can give you some good advice.
When using voice communications with a squad, I like to call the highest priority enemy "red one." Sometimes it's a player you know will decimate your team if left to his own devices, like Tool Breaker "AT-1." Sometimes it's a robot ripping you apart on a long map - the Flux Fury or Behemoth comes to mind. In today's game, I find it very beneficial to get the (Y)Ao Mings off the battlefield. ASAP. It's a gesture of respect, because right now the flying Titan is the most dominant robot in the game. It doesn't have a must-have pilot (yet), and lacks Quantum Radar, but it can rack up damage like nothing else. Maxing one out requires thousands of whatever currency you use, especially if you want to do the weapons and modules also ... so don't feel bad if your Ming isn't a star destroyer. Do what you can with what you have.
To kill an Ao Ming, it's helpful to know whether you can get it done in a single pass. Assume you can't, and take a shot where you know you can get back to cover. If you determine you can knock it down, you know what to do!! Sorry the sound is broken on this clip - I've added subtitles for a little more information.
If you can't kill them, jump in your Loki and force them to defend their beacons. I often find this option is better than a slug fest. Because Titans are, essentially, a function of time, you can deploy your counter when you know it will be most effective. When the enemy has a bunch of their slow boats out, get in your runner!
To kill an Ao Ming, it's helpful to know whether you can get it done in a single pass. Assume you can't, and take a shot where you know you can get back to cover. If you determine you can knock it down, you know what to do!! Sorry the sound is broken on this clip - I've added subtitles for a little more information.
Remember the basic rules of survival outside the meta:
- Don't mech out.
- Exploit favorable matchups.
- Play the fastest hangar you can.
Your humble servant and deranged whale chasing Ahab,
Dr. Yat
Faculty Notes
Dr. Yat
Faculty Notes
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Until the introduction of the Greek bots, Pixonic provided component items to War Robots University's professors/pilots for review. The content of War Robots U is created and edited by its author exclusively. For an explanation of the relationship between Pixonic and the U, read this post!
The U is not just a blog ... we are also iOS clans #48669 and #139479. We are always looking for commanders, and welcome skilled communicators from around the world.
The U is not just a blog ... we are also iOS clans #48669 and #139479. We are always looking for commanders, and welcome skilled communicators from around the world.
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