Ima Get That Beacon - No Need To Shoot Me
Fellow Commanders,
Our game doesn't have a functional system for talking to our teammates. This is probably a good thing, because our frustrations would soon result in us saying things that are not as kind as we would like. Without a way to speak, we'll sometimes communicate by firing a couple shots at a beacon. Sometimes, we shoot at people on our team to get their attention.
But that's not necessary with me. In this game, Pilot 0900 (or something like that) was blasting away at me. Perhaps he saw my Trident Fury and assumed I was a camper. Wrong. Territory control is a mindset, not a type of robot.

In Team Death Match, TDM, tedium, whatever you call it, you camp if you want to win. In Domination or Beacon Rush, you should only camp if it is the only way you can help the team (example: you're on your fourth bot with seven minutes left). You can refer back to Rule #1, "Don't Mech Out," but remember to balance this concern against the need to put pressure on the enemy. As always, play patiently AND keep them in the pressure cooker.
With five of the most dangerous robots in the game, Ofkeli has spent a lot of time in Champs league. He's committed to brawling, too, without much attention to anything that can strike from distance.
GoGoSpiderrrs is committed too ... to theeight four legged robots we affectionately (or disgustedly) refer to as "spiders." He's got no robots over level 10 and nothing in the MK2 cycle, but ...
In the battle I fought with all three of the above players, it was oGoGoSpiderrrs who outperformed the other two. Even though I don't love @x@pp3r's style, he hurt the blue team almost as badly as Ofkeli hurt the red.

Also, you are never going to believe who I ran into on the field - our old friend the Schutze! This guy was tanking or sabotaging his team too, by hiding and generally failing to play. Why people do that is really beyond me ... but nice robot!

Happy Friday! In case you didn't notice, my effort is to make the blog and YouTube channel more interactive, featuring your experiences as well as those of the U.
Our game doesn't have a functional system for talking to our teammates. This is probably a good thing, because our frustrations would soon result in us saying things that are not as kind as we would like. Without a way to speak, we'll sometimes communicate by firing a couple shots at a beacon. Sometimes, we shoot at people on our team to get their attention.
But that's not necessary with me. In this game, Pilot 0900 (or something like that) was blasting away at me. Perhaps he saw my Trident Fury and assumed I was a camper. Wrong. Territory control is a mindset, not a type of robot.

In Team Death Match, TDM, tedium, whatever you call it, you camp if you want to win. In Domination or Beacon Rush, you should only camp if it is the only way you can help the team (example: you're on your fourth bot with seven minutes left). You can refer back to Rule #1, "Don't Mech Out," but remember to balance this concern against the need to put pressure on the enemy. As always, play patiently AND keep them in the pressure cooker.
Order of Operations
Our friend BotMonster asked about the order in which we recommend deploying robots. Of course, it depends on real-time battlefield intel! Generally, we endorse the principle of "slowest to fastest." While this wouldn't work in BR, Dom gives you a little extra time at the beginning to position yourself. Late in the battle, a depleted enemy team often gets shredded by fast robots stretching the field in all directions. That's exactly what happened in this video example, which also features a pretty big comeback against a determined team:"Judge me by my size, do you?"
It can be misleading to look at gear and robot levels and make judgments about what a pilot can do. Take a look at these three, and guess which one is the badass:
Invested heavily in a camper bot, the Tulu Spectre, but MAN can it hurt you if you aren't careful. The old Russian Death Button Griffins were bad, but these things are like hornets on a hot porch!
GoGoSpiderrrs is committed too ... to the
In the battle I fought with all three of the above players, it was oGoGoSpiderrrs who outperformed the other two. Even though I don't love @x@pp3r's style, he hurt the blue team almost as badly as Ofkeli hurt the red.
Anomalous Battle Reports
Here, my old mate Shotokan and clan mates failed to show up in a meaningful way, but clan ESPA is the bigger problem - they are "planting." They get a squad of six with a buddy to drop at the exact same time. Once they get in sync, their seventh man is planted on the BLUE team. He then sabotages it. Sometimes it's quiet - he just fails to play. Sometimes it's really outrageous, with the plant blocking and harassing his own team.

Also, you are never going to believe who I ran into on the field - our old friend the Schutze! This guy was tanking or sabotaging his team too, by hiding and generally failing to play. Why people do that is really beyond me ... but nice robot!

Happy Friday! In case you didn't notice, my effort is to make the blog and YouTube channel more interactive, featuring your experiences as well as those of the U.
Your humble servant and deranged whale chasing Ahab,
Dr. Yat
Faculty Notes
Dr. Yat
Faculty NotesIf you read the U's blog, hit the subscribe button here - top right - and at our YouTube channel! We do not (and can not) spam or bother you. You get an email notification when we post new content.
Until the introduction of the Greek bots, Pixonic provided component items to War Robots University's professors/pilots for review. The content of War Robots U is created and edited by its author exclusively. For an explanation of the relationship between Pixonic and the U, read this post!
The U is not just a blog ... we are also iOS clans #48669 and #139479. We are always looking for commanders, and welcome skilled communicators from around the world.
The U is not just a blog ... we are also iOS clans #48669 and #139479. We are always looking for commanders, and welcome skilled communicators from around the world.
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