He Hate Me: Loki
Fellow Commanders,
If you are a keen observer of the goings on in the War Robots clans, you saw a merger between Rubicon and the Den of Thieves. The new clan, Fuse, would have been formidable, but the merger didn't stick and Rubicon's core group returned to their original home. Still, watch out for Fuse - I'm working on an update for my post about the true costs for the most expensive hangars, and this clan has quite a few case studies in the group. People often ask why I study what commanders spend. My goal: help you get better. I see a lot of great players "chasing the meta." Don't. We shouldn't lionize the people who spend a lot of money - we should emulate the players who succeed with the free stuff. They do more with less. If someone wants to drop a year's salary for a middle class American on a mobile game, they can go right ahead. But I reserve the right to question their in-game skills because the advantage that can be purchased is extreme. A maxed out hangar has a 50-100% advantage in damage and health over one at level 10, so it's impossible for us to know how good the big spenders really are. My opinion is that "whales" are sometimes a bit less skilled and and a tad more careless than people who play weaker hangars into Champion league. That does NOT mean the big spenders aren't absolutely lethal to the rest of us - they are. It means that we need to catch them when they aren't looking, play more patiently than them, and exploit their tendency to rely on their gear instead of their brains.
So I don't hate you, big spender, I LOVE YOU 😘. You give me a tricky puzzle to solve and you make the rest of us work harder. Speaking of hate, Loki probably gets a special degree and kind of not-love. Maybe you remember Rod Smart? The first Loki skin should have a jersey like this one:

I hated Loki too, especially after watching Manni try it on the test server. I was all prepared to wing my iPad out the window until ... third spin of the event, if I remember right. Well, throw all the hate out the window. Loki had me at "hello." It is SO. MUCH. FUN. I probably started using mine at level five, and it didn't disappoint. It's a beacon runner, an assassin like its cousin, the Murder Machine, an entertainer ... and a troll.
Here's the basic run down, in case you don't already know. Loki has three light weapons and two modes. In the first, he can shoot, but he's a sitting duck with a top speed of 50 kph and 121K health at level 9. In the second, he's AMAZING. He has unlimited stealth and a +30 kph speed boost. There's no longer any truly safe place on the battlefield, as this bot can get to your home beacons and camping snipers in no time. Pilot skills and modules make it faster AND much harder to kill.
As you know, I often deploy a fast robot late in battles to stretch a depleted field and exploit mismatches against slower, weakened robots. In this one, even Yamantau is no problem for Loki. Instead of getting entangled with an enemy Ares train in center, I send Loki for the red spawn point and home beacons.
If you enjoy watching Loki in action, you should check out 1morechance gaming on YouTube. There are at least five Loki "trolling" videos, including one in which Toxic scores 18 beacons ... in a loss! Don't hold the P2W clan against him; Toxic is a good player/content creator. The "trolling" makes Loki a big distraction and a serious problem for your opponents. Like a Fenrir or Falcon, it often takes the combined efforts of several teammates to kill a Loki, and if your team is the one with the trickster, you can capitalize while your enemies chase it all over the place.If you are a keen observer of the goings on in the War Robots clans, you saw a merger between Rubicon and the Den of Thieves. The new clan, Fuse, would have been formidable, but the merger didn't stick and Rubicon's core group returned to their original home. Still, watch out for Fuse - I'm working on an update for my post about the true costs for the most expensive hangars, and this clan has quite a few case studies in the group. People often ask why I study what commanders spend. My goal: help you get better. I see a lot of great players "chasing the meta." Don't. We shouldn't lionize the people who spend a lot of money - we should emulate the players who succeed with the free stuff. They do more with less. If someone wants to drop a year's salary for a middle class American on a mobile game, they can go right ahead. But I reserve the right to question their in-game skills because the advantage that can be purchased is extreme. A maxed out hangar has a 50-100% advantage in damage and health over one at level 10, so it's impossible for us to know how good the big spenders really are. My opinion is that "whales" are sometimes a bit less skilled and and a tad more careless than people who play weaker hangars into Champion league. That does NOT mean the big spenders aren't absolutely lethal to the rest of us - they are. It means that we need to catch them when they aren't looking, play more patiently than them, and exploit their tendency to rely on their gear instead of their brains.
So I don't hate you, big spender, I LOVE YOU 😘. You give me a tricky puzzle to solve and you make the rest of us work harder. Speaking of hate, Loki probably gets a special degree and kind of not-love. Maybe you remember Rod Smart? The first Loki skin should have a jersey like this one:

I hated Loki too, especially after watching Manni try it on the test server. I was all prepared to wing my iPad out the window until ... third spin of the event, if I remember right. Well, throw all the hate out the window. Loki had me at "hello." It is SO. MUCH. FUN. I probably started using mine at level five, and it didn't disappoint. It's a beacon runner, an assassin like its cousin, the Murder Machine, an entertainer ... and a troll.
Here's the basic run down, in case you don't already know. Loki has three light weapons and two modes. In the first, he can shoot, but he's a sitting duck with a top speed of 50 kph and 121K health at level 9. In the second, he's AMAZING. He has unlimited stealth and a +30 kph speed boost. There's no longer any truly safe place on the battlefield, as this bot can get to your home beacons and camping snipers in no time. Pilot skills and modules make it faster AND much harder to kill.
As you know, I often deploy a fast robot late in battles to stretch a depleted field and exploit mismatches against slower, weakened robots. In this one, even Yamantau is no problem for Loki. Instead of getting entangled with an enemy Ares train in center, I send Loki for the red spawn point and home beacons.
UPDATE: I released this video earlier in the year, and forgot about it. It's even better - after getting my Ares killed by Hydras (no kidding), Loki creates SO much havoc on the field. He's alive from 8:00 until about 3:30 on the battle clock. Seven beacons later, the red team throws their iPads into the nearest river. We've also got an extended use review for Loki included in this post. Enjoy!
Anomalous Battle Reports
It's always hard to take down a full squad (and this one packed with angry Russians, too), but a combined effort between two duos got it done here:
And later on, a U squad gets it done against KOREA. Sometimes these guys curbstomp their opponents in two minutes, sometimes they are mere mortals. We caught them on Yamantau and we wrecked their shop:
To Abituar - congrats on 4000 wins (and a million damage, on average):
Send me other stuff for shoutouts!
Your humble servant and deranged whale chasing Ahab,
Dr. Yat
Faculty NotesIf you read the U's blog, hit the subscribe button here - top right - and at our YouTube channel! We do not (and can not) spam or bother you. You get an email notification when we post new content.
Until the introduction of the Greek bots, Pixonic provided component items to War Robots University's professors/pilots for review. The content of War Robots U is created and edited by its author exclusively. For an explanation of the relationship between Pixonic and the U, read this post!
The U is not just a blog ... we are also iOS clans #48669 and #139479. We are always looking for commanders, and welcome skilled communicators from around the world.
The U is not just a blog ... we are also iOS clans #48669 and #139479. We are always looking for commanders, and welcome skilled communicators from around the world.
Stomping randoms can be fun but not very instructive because you can rely on your equipment, modules and pilots to just overwhelm their mortal bots. The real use for the max equipment is to compete with the other clans while in squad. In those games the equipment advantage is gone and you have to rely on your skills to survive and do damage. Bad pilots don’t fare well in full squad matches against top clans. Most of those pilots that routinely squad in the top clans are pretty good.
ReplyDeleteOne other thought...I don’t know anyone (I’m sure there are some out there) that buys silver. A lot of people spend money on the events and on gold but they earn the silver for upgrades with game time. Of course the best bots help them earn more silver but in general most of those big spenders spend a lot of time in game playing, learning and becoming more competitive.
I've only talked with a few confirmed silver buyers, but there's no question they buy! Silver is the only way to the top, and it's sold for insane prices side by side with gold in the offers section of the game. Time is the only thing we all have the same amount of, and no one can play enough to earn the billions in silver they'd need to max a full hangar of Dash bots/Spectres/Ares/Leeches every time a new "must-have" hits the market.