Teach Me How To Power Plant
Fellow Commanders:
In this installment, you will learn how to Dougie AND how to Power Plant. Your dance moves and your game play will both be improved - a win/win! You're welcome.
Power Plant is one of two maps with spawn points that differ enough to warrant distinct plans of action. On Springfield, of course, we go up on the docks if we spawn down in the riverbed, and go down across the riverbed if we spawn up on the docks. On Power Plant, one can spawn on the hills or near the beach. We've written about this map before, and the older article includes video tutorial for each spawn from Professor Solvm. The goal here is to add visual maps for all the different possibilities.
The "beach spawn" is very straightforward. You must control the "beach" and the "alley," beacons BRAVO and ALFA, respectively. Your enemies are in one of two places - either directly across from you, with a beach spawn, or coming from the hill spawn. For the win, control the space on both sides of the cooling towers, stopping your opposition at the red line. You can even encircle them, and they are sitting ducks.
The common mistake made by a beach spawning side (when playing against a hill spawning side) is attacking CHARLIE, or the "pitcher's mound." This can hand the red team an easy victory. Your team will be spread too thin to defend your beacons.
The other possibility is facing an enemy that also has a beach spawn. In this case, you can work through the pitcher's mound in order to threaten the enemy observatory. Don't worry about this flanking maneuver before you've secured the easiest three beacons!

Beacon rush example - get the enemy observatory and hold like a pitbull on the postman's calf:
Both hill spawns work the same way - the battle will go back and forth over the contested observatory and/or the alley (BRAVO). If your team has very strong control over at least two beacons, a wide flanking maneuver toward the beach (ALFA) can draw your opponents away from their objectives. Be careful not to overextend yourself (cf: Springfield)!

In this installment, you will learn how to Dougie AND how to Power Plant. Your dance moves and your game play will both be improved - a win/win! You're welcome.
Power Plant is one of two maps with spawn points that differ enough to warrant distinct plans of action. On Springfield, of course, we go up on the docks if we spawn down in the riverbed, and go down across the riverbed if we spawn up on the docks. On Power Plant, one can spawn on the hills or near the beach. We've written about this map before, and the older article includes video tutorial for each spawn from Professor Solvm. The goal here is to add visual maps for all the different possibilities.
The "beach spawn" is very straightforward. You must control the "beach" and the "alley," beacons BRAVO and ALFA, respectively. Your enemies are in one of two places - either directly across from you, with a beach spawn, or coming from the hill spawn. For the win, control the space on both sides of the cooling towers, stopping your opposition at the red line. You can even encircle them, and they are sitting ducks.

The common mistake made by a beach spawning side (when playing against a hill spawning side) is attacking CHARLIE, or the "pitcher's mound." This can hand the red team an easy victory. Your team will be spread too thin to defend your beacons.
The other possibility is facing an enemy that also has a beach spawn. In this case, you can work through the pitcher's mound in order to threaten the enemy observatory. Don't worry about this flanking maneuver before you've secured the easiest three beacons!

The "hill spawn" is, in my opinion, much harder. You must control the pitcher's mound (CHARLIE) and both "observatories," the domed buildings (beacons DELTA and ECHO). Spawning on the hill means that your enemies are spawning on the beach (the teams never spawn together on the hills, but they do spawn together at the beach). The red team will have an easy time holding ALFA and BRAVO, so you must make it difficult or impossible to protect the observatory too. In this visual, and in the video example, the battle at the observatory (DELTA) is usually the decisive one.

Beacon rush example - get the enemy observatory and hold like a pitbull on the postman's calf:

We'd love to see a spawn change that put teams on the beach and the pitcher's mound. This would totally reframe the battle. As it is, Power Plant always gives you something to think about while the Aphids detonate overhead!
Pork Shank - 4000 wins, million damage average, and a 34 game win streak!
$mudge - 17,000 wins. Wow.
And finally, one of the U's founding patrons, Shampoo Bandit, 6000 wins! Thanks for being a supporter of, well, everything I've done with this game!

That's all for today - have a great Wednesday and ALWAYS help your team -
Doc Yat
Faculty Notes
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Until the introduction of the Greek bots, Pixonic provided component items to War Robots University's professors/pilots for review. The content of War Robots U is created and edited by its author exclusively. For an explanation of the relationship between Pixonic and the U, read this post!
The U is not just a blog ... we are also iOS clans #48669 and #139479. We are always looking for commanders, and welcome skilled communicators from around the world.
The U is not just a blog ... we are also iOS clans #48669 and #139479. We are always looking for commanders, and welcome skilled communicators from around the world.
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