Survival Outside the META

Fellow Commanders,
I'm turning off ads.  They suck.  Hope you enjoy the newer, cleaner U.  

War Robots is a difficult, complicated game with a pay-to-win ethos permeating every aspect of its ecosystem.  As I write, Yao Mings rain death from above; Phantoms and Leeches abound on the ground.  What's a free or low-cost player to do?  How can we compete?

This is a question that's been on my mind for a very long time.  As you are probably aware, I am a free player with no access to Pixonic since the introduction of the Ares.  Almost everything in my hangar was built in the workshop, and now that the group is maxed out (with the exception of my intro-level Titan), I am using no silver, gold, or platinum.  It's a New Year's resolution of sorts, and I've saved over 300M Ag, 11K Au, 1500 Pt, and 48K power cells thus far.

We often refer to the "meta," which is video-game speak for the "most effective tactic available."  The meta is passing me by.  Each day, I see more robots and weapons I don't have.  The cryo stuff.  The Nightengales and Ravennas, the farting Arthurs.  But you can still be competitive, and I'm going to make it my mission to help.  The new series shall be called "Survival Outside the META," until I come up with a catchier name.

You already know Rule #1 - don't mech out.  If you want to win battles against players with stronger war material, you have to stay in the game.  I think pilot skills are the most economical way to do this.  As an example, "armor expert" can be obtained for the cost of a promotion and 50 gold per spin.  It adds 15% to your health.  The heavy armor module would cost you 5000 gold plus 300M silver to level up, and only add 12% to your health. 

For me, Rule #2 for F2P guys is to play patiently, surveying the complete battlefield, and exploit favorable matchups.  The flip side of this coin: don't get yourself killed running at Leeches and Phantoms!  In the video example below, I use two Ao Juns, mostly against other Ao Juns that have recently landed.  Plus, a Rhino runs right across my nose, and dies for his trouble.  The flying Titan is a pain, but he can't hit a Loki.  You also get a look into my completed hangar, with the pilot skills I've selected for maximum durability.  Enjoy.

In summary:

  • Don't mech out.
  • Exploit favorable matchups.

Your humble servant and deranged whale chasing Ahab,
Dr. Yat

Faculty Notes
If you read the U's blog, hit the subscribe button here - top right - and at our YouTube channel!  We do not (and can not) spam or bother you.  You get an email notification when we post new content.  

Until the introduction of the Greek bots, Pixonic provided component items to War Robots University's professors/pilots for review.  The content of War Robots U is created and edited by its author exclusively.  For an explanation of the relationship between Pixonic and the U, read this post!

The U is not just a blog ... we are also iOS clans #48669 and #139479.  We are always looking for commanders, and welcome skilled communicators from around the world.


  1. Looking forward to the series. I am your target audience. lol.

    1. We are still having fun, and that's what matters!

  2. You have really good diction. I just wish I had the patients you have so proudly display. I'm

    1. Patience is something we can learn! Take it day by day, trying to stretch the life of every bot. Wait for your opportunities and recognize when you push too hard.

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  5. Would like to hear more about beta weapons compared to meta. Beta is so much cheaper to level and get to mk2.


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