The Clock Is Your Friend, Unless It Is Your Enemy

Fellow Pilots,
I shall spare you most of the words budgeted for this post, because the topic can be covered quite briefly. 

To wit:
If you are winning the battle, the clock is your friend.  Camp.  Take up a defensive position, and kill the enemy when he approaches.

You can find a big friend to lean on.

If you are losing the battle, the clock is NOT your friend.  DO NOT CAMP.  Go on the attack, or you WILL lose.

Do not be the guy in the Noricum Patton:

Do not be the guy in the Hydra Spectre:

Do you remember how long a battle lasts?  Hint: it's not ten minutes.  That's a limit.  Most battles are over much sooner.
  1. If one team captures all five beacons and holds them, the match will end in under three minutes.
  2. If one team captures four beacons and holds them, the match will end in about four minutes.
  3. Most likely: one team captures three beacons and the other two.  This battle will end in about seven minutes.  
Our advice is simple: play as PATIENT as you can while keeping PRESSURE on your opponent.  That's the secret - patience and pressure.  The minute you forget either principal, you give the enemy an advantage.

Here's an example video - with the beacons 3-2 for blue, the red team never makes a serious effort to attack.  It's too easy to pick them off one by one.  If you ever have the misfortune of running up against a squad of Tool Breakers, one thing they do really well is gathering together for pushes on critical beacons.

In other news, it's my prediction/hope that Pixonic will nerf Ares and Last Man Standing.  I'll spare you all the histrionics about "ruining the game" and suggest that LMS should be cut in half (2.2 seconds for a maxed out module).  Ares should be reduced by 15% in speed, have the cooldown increased to 22 seconds (like Spectre), and the ability duration reduced to 4-5 seconds.  This stuff probably won't happen, but it would be good for the game!

Have a great day, and may your cherry trees blossom soon.
Dr. Yat

Faculty Notes
If you read the U's blog, hit the subscribe button here - top right - and at our YouTube channel!  We do not (and can not) spam or bother you.  You get an email notification when we post new content.  

Until the introduction of the Greek bots, Pixonic provided component items to War Robots University's professors/pilots for review.  The content of War Robots U is created and edited by its author exclusively.  For an explanation of the relationship between Pixonic and the U, read this post!

The U is not just a blog ... we are also iOS clans #48669 and #139479.  We are always looking for commanders, and welcome skilled communicators from around the world.


  1. Forget nerfs,I want what I pay, grind for.
    If I pay 5k Ag for LS for instance your telling me it's going to be nerfed to half or less ,well then I should have a refund comming.Either get this stuff right in TS or leave it as it is.
    Many cried about Spectre.Why? They're easy to get.Oh,you don't like them?Well I guess nobody should have them then unless they are nerfed to your liking.All content is available to everyone. People say the nerfs are to balance the game.Well how's that working out?All nerfs do is screw the ones that obtained the content on what was advertised.

    1. Hi Kev, I resist the urge to talk about the world as it should be. Instead, I focus on the world that IS. In the history of War Robots, Pix's practice is to introduce highly advantageous content for a very high price. When they are ready to do it again, they "nerf" the OP stuff so that you need the new. I agree that the people who have obtained the powerful stuff are out of luck, but they are often able to hold their advantage for quite a long time. I shed no tears for them, though ... they know what Pix does just like I do!


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