How To Complete an Event: Dr. Dope's Definitive Dissertation
War Robots University is honored to introduce visiting Professor Emeritus of Stick - To - It - Ness, Big-Dope-P!. Dr. Dope is a champion league player and three-time event finisher. He is clan leader at Aurora Excelsis, the Aurora Nova iOS clan for players who wish to progress to Masters and Champion league play.
Greetings! Being close to Dr. Yat, I have witnessed
the birth of War Robots University and have seen how helpful and insightful his contributions to our community are. For some time I wondered how I could be
of help to Dr. Yat's cause, and to the WR community as a whole. As a finisher of
three events - without the pre-event tanking that is so rampant in the game - I thought I might provide insight into how one completes such a daunting
task. So here we go!
Why try
to finish an event?
It can feel like work, so you need to be internally motivated. Dr. Simon Sinek would tell us that we need understand our "why," and work from the answer to this question. Ask yourself - why do you want to
finish an event? Be honest. My motivations include the cool items, the extra gold and silver, the extra keys ... and it just feels good to complete a really difficult challenge. Warning: If you see the event as an easy
way to get free stuff, you are mistaken and bound to be disappointed!
What do
you need to finish an event?
First, and most importantly, you must be sure you have a lot of time. It takes approximately three hours of play per day
to get the whole event finished. Second, you need a rotation of 8 bots to fill
your hanger for different tasks. You should have 4 brawler bots, one mid-ranger
and three beacon cappers. Third, you need patience and perseverance. Some days you will not make much progress, and it might seem that no one on your team is helping you. This should not
discourage you! If you put in the time, you should be able to
finish. In my experience, it evens out in the end. In one game a tanker
is on your team and you might not get your
win. In the next, he is on the other team making it an easy win for the blue
How to
get the tasks done?
There are three kinds of tasks during an event,
beacons, kills and wins. Lets talk about them separately.

Don't forget that teammates can share beacon stats, and the presence of another blue speeds liberation and capture. During beacon tasks I use a hanger of three
beacon cappers and two relatively quick brawlers. I start the game by dropping
my quickest bot and getting at least two beacons. Second, I drop another quick
bot to get to the places where the battles are not taking place, and some easy
beacons are to be had. Most times when I drop a third bot, beacons are heavily
contested all over the map, so I drop a quick brawler to clear and take a
beacon. The same goes for the fourth bot - another brawler to take beacons. By
the time I deploy my last robot, some players are out and I can utilize my third runner to cap abandoned beacons. On average I am able to take five
beacons per game, although random mode makes it
more complicated to get domination games.
Important: don't bail out of battles when you are on beacon tasks. It may take more time to get in 3-6 games for one or two beacons each than to nail 5-6 beacons in one complete battle (and don't forget about your honour). Your fellow pilots are very unlikely to help you later when you leave them to get wiped out, as "Lord Inner" does. Plus, you can wind up in the "low priority queue."

For a kill task, I put four brawlers and one
midranger in my hangar. There is no order in which I drop my bots. In general, I do scan the whole map to find easy victims and particular reds with low health. Those are prime targets for my midranger, which of course is used for the art of kill
stealing.* In my experience, a Russion Death Button (Tulumbas/Pins) Griffin or Zeus Fury/Carnage is great for this. I
imagine my freshly acquired shocktrain Bulgasari will do a good job for it too! The idea is to wait until a red has such low health that one push of the button will do the trick. Before and after my thievery, I see how many I can destroy with my brawlers.

For a win task I take out my regular hanger
which usually consists of three brawlers, a capper, and a mid-ranger. Normal play
should work best to get the win. Despite my talk of kill stealing, work to make sure your fellow blues are motivated to stay in the game. Be generous! Give kills to the blues on kill tasks; leave beacons for those obviously on beacon tasks. Keep them on the same page with
Some 2017 results:
I finished the Independance day event (carnage, orkan, ancile and two tempests), the Halloween event (two scourges and a kumiho), and the first chain of the Christmas event (two shocktrains and a Bulgasari). Many other acquired items help me fill out a very competitive "sixpack" hangar (level 6 and below custom matches).
While finishing an event, I usually gain at least 1000
additional gold, 250 Million silver, and enough keys and free spins to open a
superchest. The rewards are plenty! Thanks for reading, and best of luck in the Lunar New Year event. Feel free to ask questions in the comments section, and if there is enough interest I may dig deeper into the fine points of event finishing.
Happy hunting,
Dr. Dope
Faculty Notes
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The U is not just a blog ... we are also iOS clans #48669 [theU] for Masters/Champs and #139479 [U-2] for Diamond/Expert. We welcome skilled communicators from around the world.
Pixonic has provided component items to War Robots University's professors/pilots for review. The content of War Robots U is created and edited by its authors exclusively. For an explanation of the relationship between Pixonic and the U, please read this post!
Running a weakened hangar is tanking.
Usually WAY up in Champion league (see the 22,278 trophies? Those are for finishing a season above 5000!)
CrimeaVlad could run this hangar, and has been in Champion league (again, note the trophies) ...
But the 14% win rate comes from tanking with this group:
Pilot ATOM-01 leaves the match after destroying four robots and playing with one HeyChee ...
While Pilot "SEEKER" lays down a big ZERO for the blue team.
On free fall from Champion league.
Besides leaving you stranded in battle, you can tell lone-wolf tankers by the 25% win rate, and the tell-tale trophies from Champion league finishes. They often go all the way down to zero and wipe out new pilots in recruit league.
Awesome informative stuff Dr. Where y’at? ^_^ I see a lot of players tanking for events and they say it becomes easier! but I think what you have told for every task the hangers required, and also patience and a lot of time! you can do the event and get the prize!! I agree with you totally! also the player tankers you have posted it is great! if you wish to continue posting such tankers/cheaters! I could also provide you bunch of screenshots that I take quite often and report them to Pixonic too! have a nice day!
ReplyDeleteRight now there isn't a good way to report, but stay tuned!
DeleteHow to do best in events with just one hangar and not fully upgraded bots?
ReplyDeleteHey Zac, check out my post called "Free Your Mind." It was done before I had any mk2 or a second hangar deck, and describes a "gorilla ball" and "small ball" setup. In my opinion, a hangar with four brawlers and a mid ranger is perfect for wins and kills. When you need beacons, take out on of them and throw in a fast guy or 2. If you can do 2, use them first and last. You will nail down a LOT of beacons that way. It will surely be harder to do with TDM included in random mode, but you can still have a lot of fun trying.
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