Map and Mode Distribution In The Current Random Queue

Fellow Pilots,
The term break is coming up, and the U's blog will be on hiatus until June 4th. We'll be conducting some research and might pop into the lab from time to time, but there won't be any new writing until we've laid eyes on the above marvel of architectural engineering!
There's important news from Pixonic. Because they intend to increase upgrade times and costs for items purchased after update 3.9, now is the time to make purchases. The U does NOT recommend a spending spree, but we also hate really long upgrade times. In addition to keeping a Black Market-won Fujin instead of selling it for silver, I've never had Spirals or Ecus, so I bought a couple. Someday I will get around to leveling them up!
Maps And Modes
Do you feel like you've been seeing a LOT of a certain aircraft carrier? You aren't crazy. Well, at least about this.
The faculty at War Robots University has been keeping track of the map/mode assignment in the random queue. In our last post on the subject, modes and maps were equally distributed. A pilot was just as likely to wind up in a Beacon Rush battle on Yamantau as a Team Death Match on Springfield. This was true for all maps and modes at the time. However, we just took a 50 battle sample and the maps are no longer being assigned randomly. For some reason we can only speculate about, Pixonic has decided to heavily emphasize Carrier, the newest map. With 10 maps, we should have seen Carrier five times out of fifty (10%). Instead, we dropped there 19 times, so 38% of all battles were fought on the deck of the big boat. As you would expect, with the nine other maps representing about 60% of the battle locations, none of the others was higher than 10% of the sample. We dropped on Canyon only twice in fifty battles.
Further, the modes appear to be skewed toward the two newest - Team Death Match and King of the Hill. While our sample was on the small side, the split we received was 60% TDM plus KOTH/40% Beacon Rush plus Domination. Once again, I will spare you a statistics dissertation, but the odds of this distribution being random are quite low. We are in the process of expanding the sample size to solidify our understanding of what we are truly facing in the "random" queue.
We've also taken the unusual step of asking Pixonic for confirmation on these findings, and will report back. The U would argue that non-random odds should be transparently displayed in-game and on the company web page, so that consumers can make informed decisions about their purchases.
How To Increase Clan Size
There is only one time you can increase the size of your clan, and it's during an event. The Anniversary is over, and the U took the opportunity to add a 39th slot. It's gold intensive (32,500Au to increase from 36 to 39). Clan members can donate gold through the "strengthen clan" button under the normal menu in the game:

This allows you up to 48 pilots instead of the normal 36. All you need is 3.8M gold, or about 80,000 from each member! Ouch! The faculty of the U has never seen a clan with over 43 members, and even this is extremely rare, as it requires over a million in gold.

Go figure. Noob.
This is where the U is ...

What it takes to be like the Noobz.

To be truly huuuuuuuuge.

The "strengthen clan" feature is, to my knowledge, the only way pilots can use gold for a common purpose and the only way to give gold that you've earned instead of purchased with real money. Combined with the "welcome back" gold that you get if you leave an account inactive for a long time, it's smart to use secondary accounts to "farm" gold toward making your clan bigger. We made a quick YouTube tutorial about how to do this using Game Center accounts on iOS. Unfortunately, we don't speak Android.
Anomolous Battle Reports
Robots in their stock configuration are rare, and almost never seen in the upper leagues (with the exception of the Thunder Carnage). Here's a Griffin on Yamantau rocking Pins and Molots.
Have a great week, and we will see you in June!
Doc Yat and the team at the U
Faculty Notes
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Until the introduction of the Greek bots, Pixonic provided component items to War Robots University's professors/pilots for review. The content of War Robots U is created and edited by its authors exclusively. For an explanation of the relationship between Pixonic and the U, read this post!
The U is not just a blog ... we are also iOS clans #48669, #141459, and #139479. We are always looking for champion-league pilots, and welcome skilled communicators from around the world.
The U is not just a blog ... we are also iOS clans #48669, #141459, and #139479. We are always looking for champion-league pilots, and welcome skilled communicators from around the world.
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