Are the "Random" Queues Really Random?

Fellow Pilots,
The U always has a few experiments running.  With War Robots being a bit of a black box (what are the odds of winning in those "Royale" games, anyway?), we like to collect data and examine the results.  Lately, we've been attempting to determine if the modes and maps occur randomly.  Our hypothesis is that modes are not random, but instead designed to favor certain modes or maps.  This structure could be intended to produce an increase in player purchases.  As an example, if most players have items that do well in Domination (as they would - it was the only mode for a looooong time) but don't perform in Death Match, then Pixonic might try to increase the amount of Death Match in the queue.  Players who are not SOLVM* would be forced to adapt.

*SOLVM doesn't adapt - he destroys you with the heavy robot your momma told you to buy instead of all that expensive crap.  Check out (and subscribe to) his excellent YouTube Channel here.

At the University, our science is always approved by our Institutional Review Board and done in a hyper-professional manner:

On top, you see notes for wins and losses in "BC," or "before components," and "AD," or "after Dash, as we are also alternating between a throwback hangar with no component robots or weapons in an attempt to be more like, well, SOLVM:

And one that features all the new gadgets:

I recognize that a Butch isn't a component item, and that I have Talumbas on the Hover.  I didn't have another component weapon, so I went with a 500M range, and the pairing is quite effective - both weapons need a bit of a wait but hit hard when you play patiently.  The Storm has been a pleasant surprise, even at level 1.  It hits really hard and reloads fast.

Despite our suspicions, random mode DOES appear to be random.  With the help of Professor Grainreaper (an excellent brewmaster and clan mate in Aurora Nova), we kept track of the map and mode for nearly a hundred battles prior to this weekend and had almost exactly equal distribution of Domination, Beacon Rush, and Team Death Match.

On to other things.  I've never seen anyone sport a hangar with such high level gear and so few wins as pilot "Wounded Bear:"

I guess (s)he has a plan, and bet very heavily on it at the App store!

I've also never seen someone hate the Dash robots in their user name, and run ... a Kumiho.  Maybe (s)he doesn't know it is one of the Dashes?  Or perhaps (s)he wanted to say "Shocktrain Bulgasari is sh.t" but couldn't fit it.

Finally, the 3.7 update, featuring a weapon rebalance, is due for iOS shortly, so we'll be reporting on how it feels.  The next supply drop is Inquisitor components, and "battle rewards" will be introduced as an anti-tanking measure.  Stay tuned, and have a great week!

Your humble servant,
Dr. Yat

PS: this no-component hangar is KILLING it at the moment ... if you have Tridents, the Bulgasaris should run from you!

Faculty Notes
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Until the introduction of the Greek bots, Pixonic provided component items to War Robots University's professors/pilots for review.  The content of War Robots U is created and edited by its authors exclusively.  For an explanation of the relationship between Pixonic and the U, read this post!

The U is not just a blog ... we are also iOS clans #48669, #141459, and #139479.  We are always looking for champion-league pilots, and welcome skilled communicators from around the world.  


  1. So it is NOT randomized. Interesting. Out of curiosity how are you going to attempt to figure out if the Royale is rigged or not?

    1. No, Adriannnnnn covered that really well. Check his YouTube channel. Spoiler alert: Royale is rigged.

    2. I am already subscribed, but I have not seen that video. I will check it out.

  2. What Dash is sh*t means is that the Kumiho gets hung up on slopes all the time. It’s not hate on the bots, it’s hate on the dashing bug.

    Also, I tracked modes about a month ago, for 50 games, and got the same result, each appearing about 33% of the time.

    1. Is that your account, or are you guessing too? Either way, you are probably right! Thanks for corraborating the statistic about modes.

  3. Dr where ya at! Thanks for the shout out buddy! Great work and interesting research on the ol WR! Stay awesome! (ノ°ο°)ノ wootWOOT !!!


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