Photo Essay Wednesday
Fellow Pilots,
Today, March 21, 2018, is a Wednesday. But so is this:

Sometimes the same word means different things. Over the past week, I've run into many kinds of tankers. There are the teams who never spawn, and the pilots who destroy all their robots but one. There are the people who pilot five level one Cossacks into certain destruction. New for me are the "faders," who play a little bit and then disappear.
It's rare, but you can win without firing a shot when the red team is "blessed" with a couple tankers:

You can win with two tankers on your team. One is at the bottom:

And one is at the top. I'm not sure who to dislike more, but I'm pretty sure the red team would go with "Terror-Killer."

But this post doesn't need to be about tankers. Per usual, we've had some games with notable events. First, this level 12 Kumiho was spawned as a beacon runner. I'm happy for every bit of health I have, and recommend leveling your robots all the way, because I enjoyed quite a run here picking at different enemies.

Different battle, same map, same story. Maxing out your Fury is a good idea, and you can play in the center of the Valley. There are good lines of sight in and out of the center beacon area, and Tridents have enough range to threaten most of the map.

I had this battle where only a few pilots were running for beacons. One of them, Pilot Ksumx, was in some kind of robot track meet.

In a previous post, Dr. Zoso suggested that a second hangar is a good idea for people who have extra robots they like, and we've seen quite a few pilots use one hangar for long range and the other for short. Pilot Ksumx runs a group of brawlers:

And a group of runners:

Good for you, Pilot Ksumx - may the wind be at your back, and thanks for chasing down SEVEN beacons in that victory. Note that he was the second highest damage as well. When you run, you create many more damage opportunities than campers.
Finally, there's a new "battle reward" system in update 3.7. Basically, it adds silver and components (in the chests) for actions like playing in squads and (gasp!) finishing the battle. Kills and damage are recognized separately, which might encourage "kill stealing" a little bit. Especially during events, some pilots wait around looking to pick off severely weakened opponents. I've never felt like it was a problem, unless the offender fails to contribute in other ways.

Anyway, the U has high hopes that this system, along with player reports of who the tankers are, will create a culture that rewards playing hard more than cheating the system. Time will tell.
Have a great week!
Dr. Yat
Faculty Notes
Today, March 21, 2018, is a Wednesday. But so is this:

Sometimes the same word means different things. Over the past week, I've run into many kinds of tankers. There are the teams who never spawn, and the pilots who destroy all their robots but one. There are the people who pilot five level one Cossacks into certain destruction. New for me are the "faders," who play a little bit and then disappear.
It's rare, but you can win without firing a shot when the red team is "blessed" with a couple tankers:

You can win with two tankers on your team. One is at the bottom:

And one is at the top. I'm not sure who to dislike more, but I'm pretty sure the red team would go with "Terror-Killer."

But this post doesn't need to be about tankers. Per usual, we've had some games with notable events. First, this level 12 Kumiho was spawned as a beacon runner. I'm happy for every bit of health I have, and recommend leveling your robots all the way, because I enjoyed quite a run here picking at different enemies.

Different battle, same map, same story. Maxing out your Fury is a good idea, and you can play in the center of the Valley. There are good lines of sight in and out of the center beacon area, and Tridents have enough range to threaten most of the map.

I had this battle where only a few pilots were running for beacons. One of them, Pilot Ksumx, was in some kind of robot track meet.

In a previous post, Dr. Zoso suggested that a second hangar is a good idea for people who have extra robots they like, and we've seen quite a few pilots use one hangar for long range and the other for short. Pilot Ksumx runs a group of brawlers:

And a group of runners:

Good for you, Pilot Ksumx - may the wind be at your back, and thanks for chasing down SEVEN beacons in that victory. Note that he was the second highest damage as well. When you run, you create many more damage opportunities than campers.
Finally, there's a new "battle reward" system in update 3.7. Basically, it adds silver and components (in the chests) for actions like playing in squads and (gasp!) finishing the battle. Kills and damage are recognized separately, which might encourage "kill stealing" a little bit. Especially during events, some pilots wait around looking to pick off severely weakened opponents. I've never felt like it was a problem, unless the offender fails to contribute in other ways.

Anyway, the U has high hopes that this system, along with player reports of who the tankers are, will create a culture that rewards playing hard more than cheating the system. Time will tell.
Have a great week!
Dr. Yat
Faculty Notes
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Until the introduction of the Greek bots, Pixonic provided component items to War Robots University's professors/pilots for review. The content of War Robots U is created and edited by its authors exclusively. For an explanation of the relationship between Pixonic and the U, read this post!
The U is not just a blog ... we are also iOS clans #48669, #141459, and #139479. We are always looking for champion-league pilots, and welcome skilled communicators from around the world.
The U is not just a blog ... we are also iOS clans #48669, #141459, and #139479. We are always looking for champion-league pilots, and welcome skilled communicators from around the world.
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