New Look Tuesday

Fellow Pilots,
NEWS from Pix: over the weekend, Beacon Rush will be available as a standalone queue.  TDM, Domination, and King Of The Hill will be together in the other queue.  No rationale has been provided yet.

And at the U, we have a new look ... a long time ago, a reader asked if we might lose the black background for readability.  Here you go!  It may take me a while to clean everything up and settle on a permanent layout, but my eyes are getting old too, and you were right about the colo(u)rs.

Other readers asked why I don't participate more on the forums and Reddit.  The basic answer is pretty simple - I don't have time to both create this blog and comment elsewhere.  I like those sites just fine (even though I claimed I didn't), but my main goal is providing something new for fellow War Robots nerds to read.  If you feel similarly, and wish to post as a guest of the U, feel free to send me an email.

While my colleague Dr. Zoso finalizes his legal arrangement with Stormy Daniels, I will be handling the blog this week. I plan to post on Tuesday and Thursday, but as always my three (3) human children could get in the way!

First, in tanker-land, I had a really fine individual effort wiped out by Pilot "eHarmony."  Nice name, BTW.

His hangar, showing how he does it (the Cossacks), the signature win rate, and plenty of trophies from finishing seasons in Champion League.

I saw him in one of my next games, so I tried even harder.

But I lost I again.

I've offered my solutions on tankers and tanking, so there's no need to belabor the point, but thought these were good examples of battles where I would have won gold easily if teammates weren't busy lowering their rating.

In other news, we posted Friday about Carnage, and the game from which we took Ember footage is worth examining in its entirety.  It's one complete battle, just about six minutes long, and a good example of how I play the game (at least when it's going according to plan).

On Shenzhen, I always attack one of the side beacons; in this case it's BRAVO, under the arching "civic center" roof.  I thought I was dead when I ran into a Shocktrain Kumiho and Orkan Rhino, but the Kumiho dodged me by zipping off the beacon and didn't capture it on the first try.  This let me get there, and I wound up having help.  An Aphid/Thunder Leo was behind me chipping away.  When we kill the two enemies, I'm badly weakened, but I spend the next minute defending the Leo and this side.  When I fall, I respawn in the Ember Carnage at DELTA, which is under attack.  When your team team has the side beacon, it's good to push forward and contain the enemy on their home "street."  After being destroyed, I felt like it was a good time to play my long-range robot (in this case, a Dragoon Fury).  Fury is probably my favorite robot overall (at heart, I'm a brawler and I love heavy metal - Thunders and Tridents were my go-to before Embers and Dragoons).  I managed one kill in the center courtyard but got careless around an Orkan Bulgasari.  My last robot in this battle was a very tough Lancelot, and by this point the outcome was decided.  I would have been destroyed by a last-ditch enemy attack from an Inquisitor, but two teammates jumped right at him in Griffins - go team!

For our full post on Flanking Maneuvers, click here.  It's an oldie but a goodie.
Have a great day, and I hope to see you all back in the lab on Thursday!
Your humble servant,
Dr. Yat

Faculty Notes
Please consider becoming a supporter of War Robots University.  Patreon makes it possible, and the U's backers become part of an exclusive Discord server.  Your screenies and video of in-game heroics will be immortalized; your in-game name shall strike fear in your enemies!

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If you read the U's blog, hit the subscribe button here - top right - and at our YouTube channel!  We do not (and can not) spam or bother you.  You get an email notification when we post new content.  Email the faculty at

Until the introduction of the Greek bots, Pixonic provided component items to War Robots University's professors/pilots for review.  The content of War Robots U is created and edited by its authors exclusively.  For an explanation of the relationship between Pixonic and the U, read this post!

The U is not just a blog ... we are also iOS clans #48669, #141459, and #139479.  We are always looking for champion-league pilots, and welcome skilled communicators from around the world.  


  1. I liked the old black background. :(

  2. Old black background was way better.

    1. Have y'all ever read the blog on a mobile? I'd like to figure out a good format that works no matter how someone views it.

    2. I have only used a laptop to view these posts.


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