First Impressions of Mercury, Pursuer, and Hellburner
Fellow Pilots,
We've been testing the new group of mediums: Pursuer, Hellburner, Strider, and Mercury. Because they were delivered to War Robots University at MK2 level one (important note: the new bots have some of the longest upgrade times in the game - eight days to go from level 11 to 12!!), they will take some time to get on the battlefield. Preliminary impression, though, is that they are fun to play and seem balanced at least in terms of the current game.
The Pursuer is immediately useful for beacon capping and harassment behind enemy lines.

Unfortunately, it is a direct replacement for a robot we all know and love/hate. With three light weapons instead of two, ten seconds of stealth, identical blazing speed, and 50% more health, Pursuer makes Stalker 100% obsolete. That's a shame - we will miss the little spy guy - and perhaps a harbinger of things to come. Raven, as you may know, is a double-jumping Griffin, which could mean the game's development is toward a group of component-only robots that parallel and outclass existing silver and workshop models. Imagine a really fast Leo, or a Natasha with a shield ...
Hellburner is, it seems, for trolling your enemies. They think they've got you cornered for the kill - and you blow yourself up, taking them with you. Adriannnnnnn made a highly entertaining video about this robot, also featuring a shotgun Mercury, running it without weapons other than the self-destruct.
Mercury is little brother to Inquisitor, but with a twist. It has a cloaked (stealth) jump, and when it lands, it explodes. This ability is called "Helldive," and some of our not-friends got a taste of it this weekend. As you know, we don't like suicide attacks at the U in general, because they tend to leave you in a worse position toward winning the battle. Also, as mentioned above, this robot is still leveling up, so I was running a long distance kit. When enemies got too close, I just hopped on them for the kill.
As we get the new robots ready for combat, we will keep you posted on further impressions.

Inquisitor can leand in some pretty weird places, like tronald domp's toupee ... took the first screenshot after four or five seconds and the next when I finally slipped off. As you can see, it wasn't me shooting him. I wanted to see how long I could stay there!

We've been testing the new group of mediums: Pursuer, Hellburner, Strider, and Mercury. Because they were delivered to War Robots University at MK2 level one (important note: the new bots have some of the longest upgrade times in the game - eight days to go from level 11 to 12!!), they will take some time to get on the battlefield. Preliminary impression, though, is that they are fun to play and seem balanced at least in terms of the current game.
The Pursuer is immediately useful for beacon capping and harassment behind enemy lines.

No beacons, no problem! We've been given a 4-0 lead thanks to a pre-event tanker.
Unfortunately, it is a direct replacement for a robot we all know and love/hate. With three light weapons instead of two, ten seconds of stealth, identical blazing speed, and 50% more health, Pursuer makes Stalker 100% obsolete. That's a shame - we will miss the little spy guy - and perhaps a harbinger of things to come. Raven, as you may know, is a double-jumping Griffin, which could mean the game's development is toward a group of component-only robots that parallel and outclass existing silver and workshop models. Imagine a really fast Leo, or a Natasha with a shield ...
Hellburner is, it seems, for trolling your enemies. They think they've got you cornered for the kill - and you blow yourself up, taking them with you. Adriannnnnnn made a highly entertaining video about this robot, also featuring a shotgun Mercury, running it without weapons other than the self-destruct.
Mercury is little brother to Inquisitor, but with a twist. It has a cloaked (stealth) jump, and when it lands, it explodes. This ability is called "Helldive," and some of our not-friends got a taste of it this weekend. As you know, we don't like suicide attacks at the U in general, because they tend to leave you in a worse position toward winning the battle. Also, as mentioned above, this robot is still leveling up, so I was running a long distance kit. When enemies got too close, I just hopped on them for the kill.
As we get the new robots ready for combat, we will keep you posted on further impressions.
Pixonic is developing "modules," which would allow greater customization of robots and introduce (potentially) some wild new concepts to the game. Read about freezing a Haechi in place, appearing as a teammate to your enemies, and being more damage resistant upon spawning here.Anomolous battle reports
While there were no new sightings of the Loch Ness monster last week, I did see some weird things on the War Robots battlefields. First, I love beating tankers when they are playing on a squad. Not all of these guys are cheater/tankers, but Ehsan and Shahab sure are ...

Inquisitor can leand in some pretty weird places, like tronald domp's toupee ... took the first screenshot after four or five seconds and the next when I finally slipped off. As you can see, it wasn't me shooting him. I wanted to see how long I could stay there!

Finally, while it's not technically a battle report, this was definitely an anomoly. Well, part of it was. I fell out of Champion league, which is very normal for me. I almost always run between a 4800-5100 pilot rating. When it happened, however, I had received the battle rewards up through the Master chest and was in the area where a Champion rating is required. On returning to Master league 1, my chests reset all the way down to the first one. This would have been very upsetting, but all the rewards were then given a second time. So, I suddenly went from something like 16K Tempest components and 106M silver to over 34K components and 115M silver. I dutifully reported the error/glitch to Pixonic but have yet to hear an explanation or whether other pilots have experienced the same phenomenon. Please drop me a comment if this has happened to you as well.
Have a great week, everybody, and good luck in the upcoming anniversary event!
Your humble servant,
Dr. Yat
Faculty Notes
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If you read the U's blog, hit the subscribe button here - top right - and at our YouTube channel! We do not (and can not) spam or bother you. You get an email notification when we post new content. Email the faculty at the introduction of the Greek bots, Pixonic provided component items to War Robots University's professors/pilots for review. The content of War Robots U is created and edited by its authors exclusively. For an explanation of the relationship between Pixonic and the U, read this post!
The U is not just a blog ... we are also iOS clans #48669, #141459, and #139479. We are always looking for champion-league pilots, and welcome skilled communicators from around the world.
Please consider becoming a supporter of War Robots University. Patreon makes it possible, and the U's backers become part of an exclusive Discord server. Your screenies and video of in-game heroics will be immortalized; your in-game name shall strike fear in your enemies!
Become a Patron!
If you read the U's blog, hit the subscribe button here - top right - and at our YouTube channel! We do not (and can not) spam or bother you. You get an email notification when we post new content. Email the faculty at
Until the introduction of the Greek bots, Pixonic provided component items to War Robots University's professors/pilots for review. The content of War Robots U is created and edited by its authors exclusively. For an explanation of the relationship between Pixonic and the U, read this post!
The U is not just a blog ... we are also iOS clans #48669, #141459, and #139479. We are always looking for champion-league pilots, and welcome skilled communicators from around the world.
The U is not just a blog ... we are also iOS clans #48669, #141459, and #139479. We are always looking for champion-league pilots, and welcome skilled communicators from around the world.
I sure will miss the Stalker. On the other hand I can't wait to try and get my hands on a new Pursuer!
ReplyDeleteIt's soooo much tougher, as you always wanted your stalker to be. Just be ready for a really long upgrade cycle.