Shocktrain, One Piece At A Time

Fellow Pilots,
Components are hard to come by, and many players will acquire premium items one at a time.  We've been thinking about how to bring the new toys to battle without waiting for the second or third set of 10,000 "shards" (Pix's term) to be gathered.  While "mixed weapon" configurations are aesthetically offensive and heretical to many players, we've been singing the praises of versatility and creativity for a long time.  So go beyond range and think about the other salient characteristics of your weapons. You'll be glad you did!

Some things to consider:
  • Reloading mechanics
  • Targeting/Accuracy
  • Lock time
  • Range - both for contact and for damage
  • Shield behavior
  • Damage radius 

The weapon everyone loves to hate has a 500 meter range, does all its damage on first contact, penetrates energy shields, and then needs some time to recharge.  Therefore, we think it partners well with Pins and Talumbas.  They can splash around corners, provide continuous reloading, and should be used from cover where possible.  The Russian Death Button Griffin makes a perfect gunboat for your first shocker, as would a Kumiho or Rogatka.

Alternative: if I was running Shocktrain on a Gareth, I might pair it with a Piñata, picking at people from distance until I was close enough to drop the big hit!

In contrast to Shocktrain, the newly buffed Scourge needs some time to work.  It has a 600m range, scales up in damage as you get closer, and penetrates energy shields.  We like Punishers as a complement to Scourge, as they have similar range (500m) and do more damage up close.  They wreck physical shields too.  Scourge is pretty common on Lancelot these days, but anywhere you can rock Punishers works for us (go ahead, Rhino pilots!).  In the U's lab, we used our old friend the Griffin.  Everybody has at least one, and it's incredibly versatile.  We also put Shocktrain and Scourge on a Doc with Talumbas and Punisher T.

Alternative: Dr. Zoso is shocking and scourging from a Hover with Arbalest.  He's hitting from long range (1100m), and then using the medium weapons on enemies who approach.  Again, weapon behavior matters - Shocktrain and Scourge don't fire without a target lock, so you won't inadvertently waste ammo.  Fire away.

Here's an example video featuring the Griffin and Doc with single component items.  Note: you can't win consistently with an all-support hangar.  You need some muscular brawlers in your group, or you will get overrun.

At press time, pilots are earning Tempest components in the Battle Rewards chests, so we focused on it too.  You are undoubtedly familiar with the Molot/Tempest Lancelot, so we tried Tempest on a Trebuchet/Gekko Natasha and a Thunder Carnage.  Both can be deadly.  With Trebuchet, Tempest allows you to hurt opponents who think you are spent after firing.  With Thunder, you are continuously reloading and more deadly as you get close.  We also think that Trident and Tempest pair well.

Here's an example video of game play with these strange configurations, and it features a crazy come-from-behind win by the blue team:

Moral of the story: even if your hangar is assembled piecemeal and for free, like the Cadillac in the old Johnny Cash song "One Piece at a Time," you can make it work with some patience and ingenuity.  Please comment with any ideas you have, and we will be happy to steal share them!

Your humble servant,
Dr. Yat

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Until the introduction of the Greek bots, Pixonic provided component items to War Robots University's professors/pilots for review.  The content of War Robots U is created and edited by its authors exclusively.  For an explanation of the relationship between Pixonic and the U, read this post!

The U is not just a blog ... we are also iOS clans #48669, #141459, and #139479.  We are always looking for champion-league pilots, and welcome skilled communicators from around the world.  


  1. A quick tip for all the ember users out there: if you are working up to a carnage ember, but only have one ember, trident works incredibly well with the ember. You can pick off targets from 600 meters with the trident, including the splash damage that lets you shoot targets behind cover, until you get close enough to melt them with your ember, which has 350 meter range. USE THAT RANGE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE! Lots of carnage ember players get WAY to close, where they can be destroyed by the four haechi's on the red team. Use your ember to hit unsuspecting targets, then run before they can attack you.

    1. Agreed! I'll add that my Tridents are getting a WORKOUT from all the Inquisitors, Spectres, and Bulgasaris hiding around corners. This is especially true in TDM, where it's a game of peek-a-boo for 10 solid minutes.

  2. Dr. Yat, what are your thoughts on a Boa Zeus/ Shocktrain? I've tried the Shocktrain on my RDB Griffin and a Galahad with Gekkos so far but neither option blew me away. I was getting ready to dust the Boa off for Diamond League play when I read this today.

    1. I've seen Manni's video about Dragoon/Scourge Boa and was impressed. Because the Shocktrain will draw you inside 500 meters, be careful! Either way, I'm interested in your impressions and I will try out the Boa. I've never levelled a Zeus though, so it will be either Dragoon or Trident on mine.

  3. P.S. loved the Natasha Tempest/ Trebuchet build. I finally picked up the Tempest last night and dropped it on a Leo with Molots, but after looking at your video above will set up a Natasha like yours.

    1. Super weird, I know, but it works! If you didn't already know, the Natasha is BY FAR the cheapest and fastest heavy robot to upgrade.

  4. What would be the best robot to run an Ember on? Lancelot? Carnage? Leo? Schutze????

    1. Because Ember is such a voracious eater, I like it on a robot that has good survival potential - Inquisitor or Lancelot. With that said, you can put it on something sneaky like Carnage too. I've put one on the back of a Tempest Butch for robots that get too close, and I can practically see the shock on the enemies' faces!

  5. Ember Taran lance is glorious.

  6. This isn't effective that much with the new meta. I suggest having the Natasha build but replacing the Molot with a second Gekko. I also find the Doc build very strange because I've never seen anything like it before. I'd say just get double Tulumbas and double Punisher T, or double Shocktrain and double Scourge. You can also do double Shocktrain and double Tulumbas and double Scourge with double Punisher T, but I don't recommend mixing those together. I do, however, love the Thunder-Tempest build on the Carnage. Very effective, and the Thunder allows you to fire when you're out of ammo for the Tempest, as it reloads automatically while firing as the Tempest needs to first fire all its ammo until reload. (For ten seconds.) Anyway, this is my overall opinion on this article. Not bad if you're just trying to use up your first component item.

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