Results of NOT Spinning Chests All Season
Fellow Pilots,
Last week, the U's faculty posted about whether spinning or not spinning "black market" chests yielded better results. Note for my friends at Pixonic - In English, "black market" does not mean the consumer is in the dark with regards to what he is purchasing. It means the sale is somehow extra-legal, like scalping concert tickets on the street outside the stadium or buying prescription drugs for non-medicinal use. A better term for this game would be "Las Vegas-style roulette," or something like that. We also would prefer "decline" to "reject" on squad requests, but that's a post for another day. Anyway, drumroll please ...

What we don't know is how Pixonic converts end-of-season accumulations over 7650 keys. Do these players receive a "superchest" result? NOTE: after publication, I saw this post on Reddit that answers in the negative. I'll try to get there by spinning free chests and saving the rest, but it looks like a pretty tall order in terms of the amount one must play. In a preliminary analysis of the player's 3000 bronze chest results, it appears that for every chest opened, a player obtains 1.3 keys. So a player who gets in 10 battles a day and uses the commercials for free spins would presumbably get about 400 extra keys. With Pixonic allowing five free/unearned commercial views daily, the same pilot could easily add 200 or more keys over the course of a month.
So we aren't sure of the best strategy yet for super chests. There's a lot of data out there, but it will require some forum digging and compilation. We know "super" chests aren't always super - they contain easily obtained components like Hover and Gust, gold items like Galahad and Rogatka, and there is always a good chance of receiving something you already have in your hangar.
The market isn't black - it's a casino.
Your humble servant,
Dr. Yat
PS: Thanks to fellow Redditors like BillPreston, Roentgn, and Globularist for additional information and corrections to the data above!
This result seems consistent with what you might obtain in four gold chests and one silver (there are some free bronze spins below in my reward log too, but I didn't want to waste your time showing them). So, combined with what happened last time, we've got recommendations!
- If you want to receive ONLY components and gold, don't spin.
- If you want some non-component items and silver, spinning is a better strategy. For a tally of one player's results on over 3000 free bronze chest spins, click here.
Now, for the question of progress toward a "superchest." Some diligent research has been done by Professors Tempest, SOS, and Harry Hansen:

What we don't know is how Pixonic converts end-of-season accumulations over 7650 keys. Do these players receive a "superchest" result? NOTE: after publication, I saw this post on Reddit that answers in the negative. I'll try to get there by spinning free chests and saving the rest, but it looks like a pretty tall order in terms of the amount one must play. In a preliminary analysis of the player's 3000 bronze chest results, it appears that for every chest opened, a player obtains 1.3 keys. So a player who gets in 10 battles a day and uses the commercials for free spins would presumbably get about 400 extra keys. With Pixonic allowing five free/unearned commercial views daily, the same pilot could easily add 200 or more keys over the course of a month.
So we aren't sure of the best strategy yet for super chests. There's a lot of data out there, but it will require some forum digging and compilation. We know "super" chests aren't always super - they contain easily obtained components like Hover and Gust, gold items like Galahad and Rogatka, and there is always a good chance of receiving something you already have in your hangar.
The market isn't black - it's a casino.
Your humble servant,
Dr. Yat
PS: Thanks to fellow Redditors like BillPreston, Roentgn, and Globularist for additional information and corrections to the data above!
Faculty Notes
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The U is not just a blog ... we are also iOS clans #48669, #141459, and #139479. We are always looking for champion-league pilots, and welcome skilled communicators from around the world.
Please consider becoming a supporter of War Robots University. Patreon makes it possible, and the U's backers become part of an exclusive Discord server. Your screenies and video of in-game heroics will be immortalized; your in-game name shall strike fear in your enemies!
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Until the introduction of the Greek bots, Pixonic provided component items to War Robots University's professors/pilots for review. The content of War Robots U is created and edited by its authors exclusively. For an explanation of the relationship between Pixonic and the U, read this post!
The U is not just a blog ... we are also iOS clans #48669, #141459, and #139479. We are always looking for champion-league pilots, and welcome skilled communicators from around the world.
The U is not just a blog ... we are also iOS clans #48669, #141459, and #139479. We are always looking for champion-league pilots, and welcome skilled communicators from around the world.
ReplyDeleteI actually won Doc with about 2000 keys by not spinning. So i think it really depends.
I myself do only the Silver chest and the free spins and have gotten an occasional Griffin or Golem. This only happens once every two or three seasons though so it is not a good way to get robots or any specific type of component. Which is irritating because there are some cool new robots that I would like to try out, but don't want to spend an arm or a leg to get them.
DeleteRight on Nook, glad to hear it! There is a lot of info out there on what happens with the actual spins. I'll be collecting some this season too, plus working toward a "super" chest - something I did not try for this month.