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Negative Space: Go Where Your Enemy Is Not (Final Post)

 Fellow Commanders, In art, the term "negative space" refers to the area around the subject of a portrait.  You can look at a painting a thousand times and never see the negative space.  Nobody talks about it.  What surrounds the half-smiling lady in the Mona Lisa, for example?  You don't know - yet .  It's time to look at something that isn't there! In our game, it's easy to see the enemy team.  They are, after all, demarcated by angry red triangles and rectangles.  Their names are often taunts, like "nopayforwin&you?" or "u r a coward."  In this final installment of our blog, we suggest visualizing and controlling the "negative" space.  Go where your enemy is not. To turn this contradiction into something usable, your brain needs to "see" two things.  First, there's the map.  Learn its spawn points, beacon locations/names, its contours, and its cover.  Second, instead of seeing enemies, look instead for the abs...

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